Welcome to the ESOA blog!

Here you can check out the latest happenings of the ESOA, share pictures and stories from your own trips and see what's next for the ESOA. Members can post messages about upcoming trips and service projects and hopefully find new people and activities to engage in.

You can e-mail Nick Cross at nickcross2000@yahoo.com
to receive an invitation to join the blog.
You need an invitation in order to post to the blog.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Canoe/Kayak Group

I just wanted to let everyone know about a new canoe/kayak club that is forming in Holiday Island. See below for more info:

The group plans to have a couple of trips a month with different people in charge of the trips (varying degrees of difficulty so all can enjoy). No fees, dues, etc...just fun. They plan to use public access areas and shuttle ourselves.
On June 21st, 9:30 am, Ozark Mountain Traders are bringing some kayaks to the parking lot by the handicap fishing pier (just across the bridge from the marina at Holiday Island) for demonstration and a little instruction. People will be able to actually 'try out' the boats.

Feel free to email or call Sue Faulkner for more information.
E-mail: 479-981-6332

Nick Cross

It's Been A Great Year!

It's early June and I am reflecting on the accomplishments that the ESOA has made in the short time that it has been together. The group formed in September of last year (2007) and did not waste anytime getting involved in the community.
Accomplishments include:
- Two Lake Leatherwood work-days and clean-ups
- Cold Spring work-day
- Kiosk project at Lake Leatherwood Ball Fields
- Two Kansas St. Trail workdays
- Day-hike to Kettle Falls
- In-town trails day-hike
- Land Trust day-hike
- Design of a logo
- Formation of a mission statement
... and we built some real outdoor community in our area!
This is an amazing amount of activity for a new group to have in it's first 9-months. Let's hope we can keep the momentum rolling.
The ESOA has suspended it's regular monthly meetings until the end of the summer, resuming in September.
I would like to see more structure added to the organization via designated positions and a board. I would also like to see the group obtain non-profit status, so that we can be eligible for grants and other funding possibilities.
Have a great summer everyone and I'll see you in September!
-Nick Cross