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Here you can check out the latest happenings of the ESOA, share pictures and stories from your own trips and see what's next for the ESOA. Members can post messages about upcoming trips and service projects and hopefully find new people and activities to engage in.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

ESOA, March 18 Meeting

At the March 18 meeting, we planned a couple of events for April. If you need more info, please call Nick at 479-244-5775. We hope to see you at one of these events or at or next monthly meeting!

Service Project
Tuesday April 15, 5:30 'til dark,
Leatherwood Ball Fields
Thursday April 17, 5:30 'til dark,
Leatherwood Ball Fields
Meet at the Leatherwood Ball Fields parking lot. Due to people's busy schedules and the start of daylight savings time we decided to schedule two short work days during the week. We will be continuing work on the Kiosk at the ball fields. Work will consist of framing the kiosk structure, bring carpentry tools or just a helping hand.

Social Activity
Sunday April 13, 2:00pm, Sunfest Parking Lot
Day-hike on 154-acre land trust property, north of Eureka Springs. This is a privately owned property that has been put into to a land trust, so as to preserve it's natural character. The owner is an active hiker and is open to the idea of developing hiking trails on the property.
We will be hiking on an existing trail and scouting the potential for future ESOA trail projects. This is a great opportunity to visit an area that sees very little human traffic and is relatively close to town. Meet in the Sunfest parking lot, across from the main Holiday Island entrance at 2:00pm. From there, we will carpool and caravan the short distance to the hiking area.

Next meeting: Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 6:30pm (location to be determined)

Other items from our meeting:

-On Sunday March 2, 16 volunteers came out to contribute nearly 45-hours of work at Lake Leatherwood. Participants spent time digging holes and pouring concrete during completion of phase I of the kiosk project. Other volunteers spent time hiking the trails, picking up trash and cleaning trail markings left from a race recently held at the park. Six large trash bags full of trash were collected throughout the day!

-17 participants met at Harmon Park on Sunday, March 9 for in-town, off-road hike. The days route, approx. 3-miles passed many of the springs, scenic areas and green spaces found right here in town. Areas for upcoming ESOA service projects were also identified during the hike.

-The logo committee gave a report/presentation of concepts that they had been working on since the last meeting. The concepts they shared were very impressive. You can see the logos on the next post down, please take a moment to post a comment giving your input on the logo designs.

-After the business portion of the meeting, Steven Foster gave a slide show presentation on medicinal plants in the Ozarks. Steven is world-renowned in the field of medicinal plants and his presentation was nothing short of amazing. We are very fortunate to have Stephen involved with the ESOA!

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